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78% of executives state that employee retention is one of their biggest challenges. Champion Health can help solve that problem.


We Offer A Revolutionary Way to Attract, Retain, And Engage Your Most Valuable Human Capital.

If you are one of the companies that proudly states: "Our people make the difference" you need to know about


If you are among the 78% of Executives that Lists Employee Retention as a business challenge, we address that effectively.

Champion Healthcare Plan Meeting
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At Champion Health, we understand how important it is for you to provide your employees with the benefits they deserve! That is why we created The CHAMP Plan, a revolutionary health care solution that is designed to complement any health insurance plan while giving you additional benefits at zero-net cost.


Your company will see a net savings for each employee and the employee with no out-of-pocket cost will receive extra benefits as well without a reduction in take home pay.

Champion Healthcare Savings

Champion Health's self-funded plan  produces a net saving from month one. The employer does not pre-pay for coverage, and employers on average will save over $45, per month, per employee, in payroll tax savings with no out-of-pocket costs.

Champ Plan Savings

Approximately 80% of all healthcare spending in the U.S. goes towards managing chronic conditions. The CHAMP Plan is designed to help employees identify and prevent chronic illnesses before they become a part of your monthly premium costs.

Healthcare Claims Savings

Health premiums are one of the largest costs for employers. We take a large load off of your current primary health plan by covering primary care office visits, urgent care office visits, and generic prescriptions.

Champ Health Primary Care

With the CHAMP Plan, employees have access to the services they need in order to stay as healthy as possible. They get unlimited primary care visits and the plan pays 100% of the office visit charges through First Health Providers for employees.

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Save on average over $500 per employee annually with ZERO net cost


Employers do not pre-pay for coverage, thereby providing for improved cash flow


Employers are not subject to state health insurance premium taxes


Allows companies to save thousands of dollars in the form of FICA taxes

No need to replace, compete, or interfere with your current insurance


Offer employees the most innovative & Interactive Wellbeing Management Program


Improve employee engagement, productivity, health, and job satisfaction


Improve employees’ physical and financial health to maximize its employee retention

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The CHAMP Plan is a self funded, employer owned, limited schedule of benefits indemnity plan. It is a qualified Section 125 plan set up as a self-funded employer-sponsored plan that is 100% funded by employees through a pre-tax payroll deduction. The amount deducted represents the maximum claims for the policy year. The third-party administrator (TPA) holds the monies in a custodial account and pays claims as they incur in accordance to the plan document and the schedule of benefits. The definition of a claim is defined as claims made to providers, facilities, pharmacies, or employees.


Claims to employees result when an applicable CPT code is triggered with a corresponding explanation of benefits (EOB). Examples of these claims include preventive examinations, bio-metric screens, health risk assessments, and chronic medication fulfillment. Claims made to employees are neither taxable nor considered ordinary income. The amount of premium charged to employees is actuarially set to cover the claim risk on the plan while meeting a desired medical loss ratio (MLR). At the end of the plan year and the runout period, any potential surplus left in the claim account is considered a plan asset to the employer. The CHAMP Plan™ meet the definition of Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC)

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